Instruction to Authors
  1. The papers must contain work that has not been published and is not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere and they should be clearly written and as concise as is consistent with communication of understanding the subject.
  2. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer reviewing by expert referees. The editorial staff in its work of examining papers received for publication is assisted, in an honorary capacity, by many distinguished scientists / professors / researchers.
  3. The contributors to the JRAOPS should send their manuscript in MS-Word with PDF to the Chief Editor  by E-mail, as attachment. The manuscript should have a covering note spelling the corresponding author with his/her Phone Number(s). All authors should provide their correct E-mail addresses. The latest issue of the Journal should be consulted for style.

  4. Authors should provide two to five keywords and 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification with their papers. They should submit JPEG files of the figures. Tables (if any) should be numbered consecutively and each should have a caption. The literature should be referred to by numbers in the text in square brackets. The references at the end should be listed alphabetically by the author's surname. Following pattern should be adopted for references at the end of the paper :












Book :

[1]  Nield, D.A. and Bejan, A. (1999), Convection in Porous Media, Springer-Verlag, New York.



Journal :

[2]  Srivastava, H.M. (2000). Some families of generating functions associated with the Stirling

  numbers of the second kind, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 251, 752-769.


  1. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to correct any type setting errors. Alterations to the original manuscript at this stage will not be accepted. Proofs should be returned within three days of receipt of the paper.
  2. Papers are considered only from the members/subscribers of the journal. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, they will be required to pay an amount of Rs. 300/- in advance in order to meet the cost of printing partially. No reprint will be supplied to the authors. However, PDF file of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. A copy of the printed journal will be supplied to each author of the paper.
  3. The authors should provide five names of Potential Referees in the investigated field with their Postal and E-mail addresses along with Phone Numbers.
  4. For other details visit our website

RAOPS assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors.

Research papers intended for publication should be addressed to:


Prof. Raj Bali,

Chief Editor,

Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences,

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302004 (India)

Phone : +91-141-2708392 (O)  Mobile : 09314640124

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